Candles / Witchcraft

AromaGeddon Candles
CATEGORY: Candles / Witchcraft
AromaGeddon Candles is a Black, queer, woman-owned business. Each candle fragrance is inspired by various apocalyptic theories, and the anatomical votives serve to remind you what you're really made of. Welcome the end of days with open arms and a touch of style.
SALE: 13% off your entire purchase with promocode SUMMERWEEN

Creepy Girl Trap
CATEGORY: Candles / Witchcraft
Creepy Girl Trap PDX is a certified retailer for tarot cards — whether you’re looking for an indie deck or from recognized brands such as US Games, Llewelyn, or Chronicle Books. We also specialize in hand-crafted and antique dolls, gothic clubwear, cosplay items and unique dark wares.
SHOP UPDATE: August 16 12pm PST
SALE: SUMMERWEEN code for 10% discount, free gifts with every purchase

SpiritDesignByJen offers handcrafted spirit boards, runes, altar trays and bowls as well as travel altar boxes.
SHOP UPDATE: August 16th at 10am pst

The Nocturnal Emporium
CATEGORY: Candles/ Witchcraft
The Nocturnal Emporium is for those with a dark heart and witchy spirit. They have a collection of handmade candles, hand crafted jewelry and curated vintage/thrift.
SHOP UPDATE: August 16- Haunted Home Candle Collection Releases
SALE: 15% Off All Orders. Discount Applies Automatically at Checkout